검색 상세

영어접사분석활동이 어휘학습에 미치는 영향 : 고등학교 교육을 중심으로

A study improving vocabulary ability by Analyzing affixes


A word is not only a basic unit and but also an essential part in a sentence. With only one word we can communicative with foreigners properly. To acquire more vocabulary means to improve language competence. So, English teachers have been interested in vocabulary and tried various ways to teach vocabulary. In this study, unlike a traditional teaching method through explaining an exact definition and rote memorization, I tried to analyze affixes in a word. It helps students learn vocabulary effectively. English prefixes and suffixes have many clues to understand words. They give learners useful information about meanings of the word and its role in the context. By this logical Inferring leaners can find out meaning even unfamiliar words in the context. In addition, they can apply this understanding to other words having same suffixes and affixes and find out the meaning of a great number of words in a short time. The purpose of this study is to improve vocabulary ability by analyzing affixes and applying this to other words. The experiment was designed for the 2nd grade students in a boys high school at Suwon. To accomplish this, the students were classified into 2 groups (experimental and controlled) out of 80 students. The following hypotheses were tested; 1)The experimental class that learned vocabularies in analyzing vocabulary activity may gain high score in vocabulary test than the controled class. 2)Applying analyzing vocabulary may increase the scores of students of total levels. 3)After experiment students may learn new words in a logical way inferring affixes in words. For the experiment analysis, three vocabulary tests and two questionnaires were administrated. The results are summarized as follows: Firstly, the vocabulary test scores of the experimental class showed more improvement than those of the controlled class. Secondly the scores more increased in an intermediate and low level group than high level group. Thirdly, the degrees of interest, confidence, and satisfaction about a new way are not so effective according to statistics. But attitude of students in experimental class has changed meaningfully after experiment. In conclusion, the result of this study showed that the analyzing affixes activities in high school are quite effective and useful in improving the students?? vocabulary abilities. For further study, I hope that more effective and funny ways to teach vocabulary should be planned and applied in English class.



1. 서론 = 1
1.1. 연구의 필요성 = 1
1.2. 연구의 목적 = 2
1.3. 연구의 내용 = 4
1.4. 연구의 제한점 = 5
2. 이론적 배경 = 6
2.1. 어휘지도에 대한 관점 및 방법의 변화 = 6
2.2. 어휘 지도의 일반적 원칙과 방법 = 9
2.3. 교사용 지도서의 어휘지도지침 = 11
3. 교과서와 어휘지도 = 12
3.1. 2학년 영어교과서의 구성 = 12
3.1.1. 교재의 접사관련 어휘학습 유형 = 13
3.1.2. 교재의 접사관련 어휘학습 수정안 = 17
3.1.3. 영어권 원서의 접사관련 어휘학습 유형 = 18 파생접미사 관련유형 = 18 접두사 관련유형 = 21
3.2. 어휘지도의 문제점 = 23
3.2.1. 설문지를 통한 어휘학습태도 = 23
3.2.2. 사전 진단평가를 통한 학습자의 접사인지도 = 30
3.3. 접사분석을 통한 어휘지도 = 34
3.3.1. 접두사의 일반적 성질과 분류 = 34
3.3.2. 영어접사의 구조 = 36
3.3.3. 영어접사의 유형 = 37
3.3.4. 연구대상 어휘 선정 = 43
4. 연구의 방법 및 절차 = 50
4.1. 연구의 대상 = 50
4.2. 실험기간 및 절차 = 51
4.3. 연구방법 및 가설 = 52
4.4. 측정도구 = 53
4.4.1. 사전검사 = 53
4.4.2. 사후검사 = 53
4.4.3. 어휘학습 태도검사(설문지) = 54
4.5. 연구수업모형 = 54
4.5.1. 차시별 수업진행절차 및 모형 = 54
4.5.2. 어휘학습 강화활동 = 55
4.5.3. 차시별 수업진행계획 = 57
4.6. 어휘지도 워크시트의 유형 = 58
5. 연구결과 및 논의 = 60
5.1. 어휘시험 결과분석 = 62
5.1.1. 어휘시험 점수에 따른 결과분석 = 62
5.1.2. 어휘시험 유형에 따른 결과분석 = 64
5.1.3. 어휘시험 성적그룹별 점수에 따른 결과분석 = 66
5.2. 사후설문조사 결과분석 = 70
6. 결론 및 제언 = 75
참고문헌(REFERENCE) = 78
사전 태도검사 설문지 = 82
사후 태도검사 설문지 = 85
사전 진단평가 = 86
사후 진단평가 = 89
Worksheet1 = 92
Worksheet2 = 95
Worksheet3 = 96
