검색 상세

An Assessment of West Kalimantan’s Electricity System


Indonesia regarded as the world's fourth densely populated country and the region's largest economy. Due to the country's financial solid and statistical development, power demand in Indonesia has increased over the past ten years at a rate of 6% per year. Fossil fuels estimated to account for more than 90% of Indonesia's power generation capacity, have so far primarily met this demand. Nearby the growth in the use of fossil fuels, Indonesia's CO2 emissions have sharply increased. Therefore, the energy planning’s role in evaluating the future energy framework and advising policymakers is critical, especially in setting goals to decrease the emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG). Electricity process production is the primary source of global GHG emissions. It is critical to select resources that emit the fewest hazardous emissions during generation of electricity. These considerations recommend the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) demonstration, which analyzes a regular daily situation and GHG correlational circumstances to enhance West Kalimantan's power generation from 2021 to 2030. The West Kalimantan Province has strong potential to fulfill energy demand itself, or nearby along with the capital city of Indonesia, will move to the East Kalimantan Province. According to 2021 Statistics Indonesia data, the population of West Kalimantan Province is around 5.47 million, with the population growth rate in 2010- 2021 being 1.39%/year, and the economic growth grew by 4.78%. The current study is based on a bottom-up examination of West Kalimantan, Indonesia's energy supply framework. This investigation aims to broaden the evidence base required to advise approach and procedure dialogues within the Indonesian government and related communities regarding selecting a GHG emission reduction target for 2030. On the energy supply side, the investigation provides detailed insights into approaching diminished energy and outflow force. The limitation of the study is only focused on the energy framework within the electricity sector. Information input for this study is from official report of PT PLN, Indonesia's government electricity company. Keywords : Energy system model, Local electricity supply-demand analysis, Climate change, LEAP



Chapter 1 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objectives of Research 5
1.3 Thesis Outline 5
Chapter 2 6
2.1 Theory 6
2.2 Previous Study 7
Chapter 3 12
3.1 Current Situation of West Kalimantan 12
3.2 Current Electricity System of West Kalimantan 13
3.3 Potential Resource of West Kalimantan 14
3.4 LEAP Software 21
3.4.1 Overview LEAP 21
3.4.2 LEAP Structure 23
3.5 Scenarios Development 24
3.5.1 The Business-as-usual (BAU) scenario 25
3.5.2 The National Energy Policy (NEP) scenario 29
3.6 Limitation Study 29
Chapter 4 31
4.1 Socio Economic 31
4.2 Electricity Generation Mix 31
4.2.1 The Business-as-usual (BAU) scenario 31
4.2.2 The National Energy Policy (NEP) scenario 34
4.3 Installed Capacity 36
4.3.1 The Business-as-usual (BAU) scenario 36
4.3.2 The National Energy Policy (NEP) scenario 37
4.4 Estimation of GHG Emissions 38
4.4.1 The Business-as-usual (BAU) scenario 38
4.4.2 The National Energy Policy (NEP) scenario 39
Chapter 5 41
5.1 Conclusions 41
5.2 Recommendations 41
References 42
