검색 상세

Perceived aid effectiveness: a comparison of working methods – water projects in Bangladesh funded by Dutch and Korean ODA


To begin with, this study identified the differences and similarities between Korean and Dutch ODA styles in Bangladesh. As both nations provide aid on the topic of water, these ODA projects were utilized to figure out the (dis)similarities. Although both countries joined the OECD DAC list, Korea does not have the same colonial past as the Netherlands, meaning that its approach to ODA differs and that it is perceived differently by recipients. Next, this study investigated whether the working methods of both nations affect their projects’ perceived aid effectiveness. Donors and local NGOs funded by the Netherlands and Korea provided insights into the effectiveness through online interviews. In conclusion, after analyzing and comparing the Korean and Dutch ODA working styles, differences were found between the literature and the actual working methods and between the donors themselves. These dissimilarities do, in fact, affect the perceived aid effectiveness of their work on water-focused ODA projects.



1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introducing Bangladesh as an ODA recipient 1
1.2 The focus of Dutch and Korean ODA 1
1.3 Problem definition 2
1.4 Objectives 3
1.5 Research questions 3
1.6 Hypotheses 3
1.7 Literature review 4
1.7.1 Background information: Korea 4
1.7.2 Background information: the Netherlands 5
1.7.3 Types of ODA: traditional vs non-traditional ODA 6
1.7.4 Comparing Dutch and Korean ODA 8
1.7.5 Aid effectiveness and measurement tools 8
1.7.6 Perceived aid effectiveness 11
1.7.7 The identified gaps 11
1.8 Methodology 12
1.8.1 Data collection and analysis 12
1.8.2 Participants 12
1.8.3 Limitations 13
2 The issue of water security and aid effectiveness responses in Bangladesh 15
2.1 Water issues in Bangladesh 15
2.1.1 The relationship between water and Bangladesh 15
2.1.2 Causes of the water issues in Bangladesh 16
2.2 The Dutch aid effectiveness strategy 17
2.2.1 The Dutch aid effectiveness strategy since 2010 17
2.2.2 The competitive advantage strategy 18
2.3 The Korean aid effectiveness strategy 18
2.3.1 Korea and the OECD DAC 18
2.3.2 The Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness 19
2.4 The limits of aid effectiveness 20
3 Results of the interpreted interview answers 22
3.1 Results of the interviews with the donors 22
3.1.1 The Dutch embassy 22
3.1.2 KOICA 26
3.2 Results of the interviews with the NGOs 30
3.2.1 NGOs acting in the interests of the Netherlands 30
3.2.2 NGOs acting in the interests of Korea 33
3.3 Aid effectiveness as described by all the NGOs 35
4 Discussion & conclusion 38
4.1 Discussion: differences and similarities between the Dutch & Korean working methods 38
4.1.1 The Dutch working method: actuality vs literature 38
4.1.2 The Korean working method: actuality vs literature 40
4.1.3 The NGOs about the different working methods compared to the measurement tools 42
4.2 Discussion: defining aid effectiveness 45
4.2.1 Aid effectiveness defined 45
4.2.2 Factors affecting perceived aid effectiveness 45
4.3 Proving the hypotheses 48
4.4 Conclusion 50
Bibliography 52
Appendix 57
