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The Rewriting of Anna Karenina: Focusing on the Influence of the Translator’s Religion on the Three Persian Translations


Religion has been one of the most influential components in humans’ life, thus the trace of it can be found not only in the creation of literary works but also in literary translation. Research on the influence of religion on translation has mostly focused on the impact of religion on the translation of sacred texts, such as the Bible and Quran. Moreover, the majority of the studies that associate with the influence of religion in the translation of the literature, put the issue of the target culture and target reader’s beliefs in the center of the attention. Therefore, there is less emphasis on the role of the translator’s religion in the process of the translation. This study reveals how the translators’ religion can contribute to and affect the translation process and lead to the rewriting of a literary work by analyzing the three Persian translations of Anna Karenina, written by Leo Tolstoy. It also stresses the need to take into account the impact of the translator’s religion in the translation of other literary texts as well as non-literary texts. Keywords: Anna Karenina, rewriting, translator’s religion, literary translation, religion, Iran



Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Rationale for Study 3
1.2 Research Questions 5
1.3 Data and Methodology 6
1.4 Literary Translation in Iran 12
1.5 The Place of Religion in Iranian Society and Culture 16
1.6 Organization of Chapters 19

Chapter 2: Literature Review 20
2.1 The Influence of Religion on Literary Translation 20
2.2 Rewriting 26
2.3 The Role of the Translator 30

Chapter 3: The Translation of Religious Terms and Concepts 34
3.1 Analysis of the Findings 34
3.2 Discussion and Conclusion 50

Chapter 4: The Translation of Evolutions of Behaviors or Actions 54
4.1 Analysis of the Findings 54
4.2 Discussion and Conclusion 73

Chapter 5: Conclusion 76
5.1 Main Findings and Implications 76
5.2 Limitations of the Study 80
5.3 Suggestions for Future Research 81

References 82
