검색 상세

Development of Efficient Synthetic Processes for Air-Stable Polymer-Metal Composites


1. Introduction 1
2. Results and discussion 5
2.1. Comparison of PANI/Cu composite properties according to reduction degree of PANI 5
2.2. Characterization of PANI/Cu composite according to surfactant types and molarity 12
2.3. Characterization of PANI/Cu composite using silica template 21
3. Conclusion 26
4. Experimental section 27
4.1. General remarks 27
4.2. Three types of PANI/Cu composite synthetic processes developed 28
4.3. Solution preparation for UV/Vis absorption measurement 30
4.4. Preparation for PANI/Cu composite pellet & sintering process 31
4.5. Constant Temperature & Humidity TEST 31
5. References 32
6. Supporting information 34
