검색 상세

A Comparative Evaluation Study of Colormaps in Network Visualization

네트워크 시각화에서의 컬러맵 비교 검증


Color is a widely used visual channel for encoding data in visualization design. It is important to select the appropriate type of color mapping to better understand the data. While several studies have investigated the effects of colormaps in various types of information visualization, there have been no studies on their effects in network visualization. Thus, in this paper, we investigate the effects of several colormaps in network visualization using node-link diagrams. Specifically, we compare four different single- and multi-hue colormaps for node attributes, and evaluate their effectiveness in terms of task completion time and correctness rate. Our results show that participants complete their tasks significantly faster with blue (single-hue, sequential) as compared to viridis (multi-hue, sequential), RdYlBu (divergent, red-yellow-blue), and jet (rainbow) colormaps. Additionally, the overall correctness rate shows significant differences between colormaps, with viridis being the least error-prone among the colormaps studied.



Chapter 1 Introduction 1

CHAPTER2 Related works 7

2.1 Related works 7
2.1.1 Color models in visualization 7 Basic Color Models (Device Oriented Color Models) 7 Perception Based Color Models 10

2.1.2 Colormap Design and Selection Criteria 12 Colormap Generation Techniques 13 Experimentation-based Colormap Generation 16 Rule-Based Colormap 21 Data-Based Colormap 35
Colormap Optimization 36
Colormaps for Specific Data Types 39
Perceptual Optimization of Colormaps 40
2.1.3 Colormaps Evaluation Studies 42

CHAPTER 3 User Study 47
3.1 Pilot Study 47
3.2 Experimental Design 47
3.2.1 Node Attributes 48
3.2.2 Task 49
3.2.3 Datasets 50
3.2.4 Colormaps 53
3.2.5 Participants 57
3.3 Procedure 57

CHAPTER 4. Results 62
4.1 Task Completion Time 62
4.2 Correctness Rate 66

CHAPTER 5. Discussion 70

CHAPTER 6. Conclusion 75

References 76

Appendix 86
