검색 상세

A Framework Integrating Problem Frames and Goal Modeling to Support Variability Analysis during Requirements Elicitation


Variability management is the foremost criterion that defines to what extent complexities can be handled in the system. Predominantly the requirements engineering (RE) study overlooks, or speculate a consistent behavior of, the environment where a system functions. But in real time systems it is vital to observe and adjust to an intrinsically changing context. Requirements and variabilities are strongly related to each other. Variabilities assist in determining the requirements of the system in various contexts and analyzing the various obstacles the system might face in different contexts and also increase system robustness. A framework that makes it possible to capture and evaluate requirements of the system in various contexts is still missing. So to resolve this concern, we recommend a framework to analyze requirements of a system in various contexts using i* goal model, problem frames, use case maps and live sequence charts. The integration helps to evaluate objectives of the system additionally with system contexts. The scenarios associated with the context are elaborated further using use case maps and live sequence charts which assists in analyzing changes in contexts and the corresponding changes in requirements in detail. Furthermore scenarios are annotated with preconditions and post conditions which assist in elaborating requirements for obstacle analysis and conflict analysis. The main objective of this approach is to familiarize software engineers with problem frames, use case maps and live sequence charts engineers, who are used to the concepts of scenario-based modeling. To corroborate the efficacy of our approach we evaluate our proposed framework by using smart grid RTP system.



CHAPTER 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Challenges 1
1.3 Contribution 3
1.4 Scope 3
1.5 Thesis structure 4
CHAPTER 2. Background 5
2.1 Goal Modeling 5
2.2 Problem Frames 6
2.3 Use Case Maps 6
2.4 Live Sequence Charts 7
CHAPTER 3. Related Work 9
3.1 Context Analysis 9
3.2 Goal Based Variability 9
3.3 Goals and Problem Frames in Context Analysis 10
3.4 Integration of Use Cases with Problem Frames 10
3.5 Limitation of the Related Work 11
CHAPTER 4. Proposed Framework 12
4.1 Functional Description 12
4.2 Location of Framework in RE Technology Map 17
CHAPTER 5. Case Study 19
5.1 Introduction to Case Study in Smart Grids 19
5.2 Application of the framework on RTP systems of Smart Grid 21
CHAPTER 6. Evaluation 31
6.1 Theoretical Evaluation of Proposed Methodology 31
6.1.1 Study Questions 31
6.1.2 Study Proposition 32
6.1.3 Linking Data 32
6.1.4 Summary of Results of Smart Grid RTP Case Study 33
6.1.5 Evidence Collection 34
6.2 Empirical Study 36
6.2.1 Purpose of the Study 36
6.2.2 Subjects 36
6.2.3 Study Environment 36
6.2.4 Measures 37
6.2.5 Method 37
6.2.6 Results 38
CHAPTER 7. Discussion 43
7.1 Applicability 43
7.2 Scalability 43
7.3 Usability 43
CHAPTER 8. Conclusion and future work 45
Appendix 52
