검색 상세

The main application of capital investment of South Korea into the development of the Azerbaijan industry


Abstract Between South Korea and Azerbaijan has been developing relations in modern times. In this time, the bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Korea are developing. In this case, I want to bring South Korean capital investment model to Azerbaijan economy sectors. Because of this, I get the decision to do research and try to find the answer to the question that: Can be effectively South Korea's investment and bilateral trade into sectors of the Azerbaijan economy? In my research paper, I started from I Chapter which gave information about the introduction, necessities of Azerbaijan and South Korea, Azerbaijan economic situation and etc. In Azerbaijan economic situation, I decided by economic sectors - non-oil industry, oil industry, chemical (petrochemical) industry, construction industry and the end Economic Forecast about Azerbaijan in future. In Continue, I posted the same information about the South Korean current economic situation, heavy-chemical industry, construction industry, high-tech industry and also finally Economic Forecast of South Korea. In II Chapter I wrote about Research method and Contents, I did wide SWOT analysis of Azerbaijan and South Korea for trying to answer my Research Question. In SWOT analyzes, I focused on Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats of both countries and found much interesting information which can be effective to my research. In III Chapter I tried to focus on Expecting effect and research, many graphics can be explain bilateral trade relations between Azerbaijan and South Korea, South Korean FDI into Azerbaijan industry, GDP growth (annual %) rates of the Azerbaijan, GDP growth (annual %) rates of the South Korea, the main commodities exported to the Republic of Korea, the main commodities imported from the Republic of Korea on economic indicators. In another part of my research, I focused on Investment climate of Azerbaijan and priority investment sectors of Azerbaijan which can get an answer the main reason of South Korea to invest Azerbaijan economic sectors. I also showed economic indicators South Korean FDI to Azerbaijan. Finally, I finished my research on Conclusion which I can give my own opinion and propose to my government office – Ministry of Economy and Industry of the Azerbaijan Republic to realize this project.



Chapter 1 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.1.1 Research Purpose and Necessity 1
1.1.2 Necessities: 1
1.2 Azerbaijan economy 4
1.2.1 Non-oil industry 5
1.2.2 Oil industry 7
1.2.3 Chemical (petrochemical) industry 8
1.2.4 Construction industry 8
1.2.5 Economic Forecast 9
1.3 South Korean economy 11
1.3.1 Current Economic Situation 11
1.3.2 Economic Forecast 12
1.3.3 Heavy-Chemical Industry 14
1.3.4 Construction industry 14
1.3.5 High-tech industry 15
Chapter 2 17
2.1 Research method and Contents 17
2.2 SWOT analysis of Azerbaijan 19
2.2.1 Strengths 19
2.2.2 Weaknesses 21
2.2.3 Opportunities 21
2.2.4 Threats 23
2.3 SWOT analysis of South Korea 23
2.3.1 Strengths 23
2.3.2 Weaknesses 24
2.3.3 Opportunities 24
2.3.4 Threats 25
Chapter 3 26
3.1 Expecting effect and research 26
3.1.1 Azerbaijan - South Korean economic relations 26
3.2 Investment climate of Azerbaijan 32
3.2.1 Priority investment sectors of Azerbaijan 32
3.3 South Korea FDI 36
Chapter 4 38
4.1 Conclusion 38
References 41
