검색 상세

특질 반추 집단에서 주의초점 유도가 자서전적 기억의 특정성에 미치는 영향 : : 반추적, 주의분산적, 경험적 주의초점 유도의 효과

The effects of self-focused attention on autobiographical memory specificity between high- and low- trait rumination group: focusing of ruminative, distractive and experiential processing


본 연구는 특질 반추 수준에 따라서 반추적, 주의분산적 및 경험적 주의초점 유도가 자서전적 기억의 특정성에 미치는 영향을 검증하였다. 고반추 집단 33명과 저반추 집단 33명의 대학생들을 반추적, 주의분산적 및 경험적 주의초점 조건에 무선할당하여 자서전적 기억의 특정성을 측정하였다. 자서전적 기억 검사의 사전 점수를 공분산으로 투입하여 공분산분석을 실시한 결과, 주의초점 조건의 주효과가 통계적으로 유의미하였다. 즉, 반추적 주의초점 조건은 기억 특정성을 낮추고, 주의분산적 주의초점 조건은 기억 특정성을 높이는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 고반추 집단에서 주의초점 조건의 주효과가 통계적으로 유의미하였지만, 저반추 집단에서는 유의미하지 않았다. 연구의 결과와 시사점을 추가적으로 논의하였다.



This study examined the effect of self-focused attention on autobiographical memory specificity between high- and low- trait rumination group of undergraduate students. Thirty-three high-trait and low-trait rumination groups were randomly assigned to one of ruminative,distractive and experiential condition. Then participants completed the Autobiographical Memory Test(AMT) before and after the self-focused attention processing. As a results of analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) using pre-AMT score as covariance, there was a main effect of self-focused attention condition. That is, the ruminative condition decreased in autobiographical memory specificity and the distractive one increased in autobiographical memory specificity. Also, the high-trait rumination group showed the main effect of condition, whereas the low-trait rumination group does not. Finally, the clinical implications and limitations of the current study were discussed.



• 국문 초록 ········································································ ⅰ
• 목차 ················································································· ⅱ
• 표 목차 ············································································ ⅳ
• 그림 목차 ········································································ ⅳ

Ⅰ. 서 론 ············································································· 1

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 ································································· 5
1. 자서전적 기억의 특정성 ·············································· 5
2. 특질 반추와 자서전적 기억의 특정성 ······················ 10
3. 특질 반추 및 주의초점과 자서전적 기억의 특정성의 관계 ······· 13

Ⅲ. 연구 목적 및 가설 ····················································· 18

Ⅳ. 연구 방법 ···································································· 21
1. 연구 대상 ······································································ 21
2. 측정 도구 ······································································ 21
1) 한국판 역학조사센터 우울증 척도 ··························· 21
2) 반추 반응 척도 ···························································· 22
3) 최소 지시 자전적 기억 검사 ····································· 22
4) 회상 내용 질문지 ························································ 25
5) 주의 초점 조작 확인 ··················································· 25
6) 다차원적 정서 형용사 척도 ······································· 25
3. 연구 절차 ······································································ 27
4. 자료 분석 ······································································ 30

Ⅴ. 결 과 ············································································ 31
1. 실험참가자 특성 ·························································· 31
2. 조작 점검 ······································································ 32
1) 우울 기분 유도 과정에 대한 조작 점검 ··················· 32
2) 주의초점 유도 조작에 대한 분석 ······························ 34
3. 자서전적 기억의 특정성 ············································· 36
1) 처치 전 자서전적 기억의 특정성의 평균, 표준편차 · 36
2) 처치 후 자서전적 기억의 특정성에 대한 분석 ······· 37

Ⅵ. 논 의 ············································································ 41

참고 문헌 ··········································································· 47
부록 ···················································································· 54
영문 초록 ··········································································· 72
