검색 상세

An Exploratory Study of Samaung & LG Electronics' Marketing Mix Stratrgies in China


The paper examines Korean Samsung & LG Electronics’ Marketing Mix Strategies in Chinese market, including the following four points: Prospects for Chinese Consumer Electronics Market, Korean Companies’ Common Characteristics in China, What a role that Samsung & LG played against with MNCs in China’s Consumer Electronics Market and Samsung & LG’s Marketing Strategy in China. It also shows the brief introduction of the China and her economy. It presents the circumstances, which makes the electronic companies enter the Chinese market. It gives a detailed of major Chinese economic reforms in the past fifties years and the strategies of Samsung & LG’ in these fields such as R&D, brand, pricing, distribution and organization strategies. The paper also provides some my opinions on the Chinese consumer electronics market and key Success factors for MNC operating overseas in China.



CHAPTER Ⅰ : Introduction = 1
CHAPTER Ⅱ : China Economic Reforms = 6
CHAPTER Ⅲ : Chinese Consumer Electronics Industry = 14
CHAPTER Ⅳ : Entry of Korean Electronic Companies = 22
CHAPTER Ⅴ : Samsung & LG’S Marketing Strategy In China = 28
CHAPTER Ⅵ : Conclusion = 57
References = 63
