검색 상세

정보흐름접근에 의한 조직적 운영 (V 모델)

Organizational Management by an Information Flow Approach - The "V" Model -

  • 주제(키워드) V model
  • 발행기관 아주대학교
  • 지도교수 목영일
  • 발행년도 2006
  • 학위수여년월 2006. 2
  • 학위명 석사
  • 학과 및 전공 국제대학원 국제경영학과
  • 본문언어 영어


Management is getting more complex each time as the size and processes in the organizations are enlarging. That is why the management field is demanding new ways to make easy the control of operations and people in the companies. An organization or Institution is created to reach a specific goal. According to this principle, the commonest concern for managers is whether or not the organization is achieving its goals. One of the managers’ roles is to create an effective system, which will lead the organization to accomplish the mission for what it was created. Frequently, we may find some mismatching in the goals and the results in the organization. The reasons may be innumerable as well as undefined due to the complexity of the organizations. In this study we pretend to define a new approach for the operations in an organization to help managers to visualize problems and opportunity areas for improvement, as well as design at the same time a systematic-logical thinking to control the functions and people’s activities inside of the organization. A systematic approach of the organization will help us to conceptualize it as a whole entity and combine its elements in all levels to work in harmony for the same goal. For our study we will try to define the Organizational Management now days, as well as how the organization is organized and structured. Also it is important to analyze how an organization creates parameters to control and evaluate the activities. The information flow in an organization by itself creates channels of communication among the individuals inside it. These channels by themselves in a natural way create an internal net all over the organization. Taking advantage of the flow information net, which as we have said is created in a kind of “natural way” sometimes automatically, we can use it as a tool to design previously a structure to manage the organization. That is why the main parameter of our approach is the Internal Flow Information Net that will be used as ‘skeleton’ to control, manage and design our organization. Regarding to the principle of the Flow Information Net, we have called our approach method “Organizational Management under Information Flow Approach”. For the conceptualization of the new management approaching we have developed a visual model that will help managers to realize in an easier way the organization mechanism. The “V” Model, which we will present in this study, is based in a systematic information flow that starts from the top level at the organization and runs downwards through the whole system until the lowest level (operational level). In this up-down information flow is where the mission and strategies are defined, and the directions and instructions are given from the highest levels to the lowest ones. Latter, when the information flow reaches the lowest level, the direction of the flowing information begins to run in the opposite size, from the lowest part to the highest. In this down-up information flow the results are gathered and computed. Finally, the highest level of the organization compares the results with the prior goals to see whether or not their match. On the other hand we have to emphasize that this is just a new way to conceptualize the organization and its implementation depends only on managers. In order to evaluate our model we have implemented it in an organization, and its results and study are presented in this dissertation. Our implementation process consists on three phases: 1.Framework for the Implementation, where we made a previous analysis of the organization without the model, 2. Implementation, where we apply our systematic approach to the Organization, 3. Data Analysis and Evaluation, where we conclude the result of our implementation. Therefore as a conclusion for this preface we can say that the most important role for managers is to be the brain that has to create the internal mechanism in the Organization. It is here in this activity where managers will decide the future success or failure of the Organization. If the managers are quite clever to design the right system to reach the organizational mission, they will bring a bright future to the organization; otherwise without doubt they will have to redesign the structure to overcome the future problems that definitely will appear caused by the lack of vision. Therefore our goal and contribution to the science in creating an Organizational Management under Information Flow Approach is to help managers to have a wide vision of the organization to create an effective system to reach its goals



1.1 Definition of the Problem 1
1.2 Statement of the Hypothesis 4
1.3 Concepts to be Analyzed in the Research 4
1.4 The Contribution of this Research 5
2.1 The Organization as an Entity 7
2.2 The Organization Theory 8
2.3 The Organizational Structure 11
2.4 The Organizational Parameters 17
3.1 The Purpose and Functions of Management in Organizations 20
3.2 Managers in Organizations 23
3.3 The Management Division by Hierarchy 27
3.4 Manager’s Leadership and Direction in Organizations 33
4.1 Information and Communication 36
4.2 The Channels of Information Flow 38
4.3 The Goal of the Communication Network in Organizations 44
4.4 The Organization Chart as a Communication Network in an Organization 47
5.1 The Systems Approach 51
5.2 Traits of Systems: Holism and Synergism 53
5.3 Organizations as Systems 56
5.4 Management and the Systems Approach 59
5.5 Managers Adapting System to People or People to System 61
6.1 The “V” Model Conceptualization 63
6.2 The “V” Model Managerial Hierarchy 64
6.2.1 The Managers at each Managerial Level 65
6.2.2 The Managers’ Purposes and Roles 67
6.3 The Managerial Interaction in the “V” Model 71
6.4 The Organizational Parameters in the “V” Model 75
6.5 The Information Flow in the “V” Model 78
6.6 The Information Compactness Property 82
6.7 The “V” Model Process 89
6.8 The Cycle Effect in the “V” Model 93
6.9 The “V” Model Highlights 94
6.9 The “V” Model Methodology for Implementation 96
7.1 Selection of the Organization to Implement the “V” Model 99
7.2 Brief Explanation about San Luis Potosi 100
7.3 Method for the Implementation 101
7.5 Pretest Phase of the Implementation 107
7.6 Applying Stimulus (the “V” model format) 111
7.7 Posttest Phase of the Implementation 126
7.8 Results after the “V” Model Implementation 129
8.1 Organizational Management under Information Flow Approach 137
8.2 The “V” Model Contribution 138
8.3 The Future Perspectives 139
