검색 상세

De novo genome assembly of Wickerhamomyces ciferrii


1. Background 1
2. Materials and Methods 3
2.1 Sample preparation and sequencing 3
2.2 De novo genome assembly 3
2.3 Genome completeness assessment 4
2.4 Repeat finding for detection of telomeric sequence 4
2.5 Mitochondrial genome sequence finding 4
2.6 Gene annotation 4
3. Results and Discussion 6
3.1 De novo genome assembly workflow 6
3.2 Genome assembler comparison for PacBio assembly 9
3.3 Parameter optimization in the Canu assembler 12
3.4 Refinement of assembled contigs 15
3.5 Proof of the diploid genome 20
3.6 Accessing genome completeness 25
3.7 Gene annotation 28
3.8 Genome feature analysis 30
3.8.1 Mitochondrial genome analysis 30
3.8.2 Telomeric sequence detection of genome sequence 33
3.8.3 Putative centromere analysis 39
4. Conclusion 41
5. References 42
