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Contribution of Cooperative to Local Business Promotion in Rural Nepal : A Case Study of Chhimeki Saving & Credit Cooperative in Kailali district


ABSTRACT There are several non-financial and financial services offered by the cooperative to its members for local business promotion in the rural community. This paper shows how the cooperative has provided these services to its members. Likewise, incentives have been provided to cooperative members to succeed in business, and members have generated profits and created jobs through their business endeavors. In rural communities where banking facilities are not available, cooperatives are the most effective means of financial management for the community people. The study is focused on assessing the cooperative’s role in supporting members’ businesses in terms of the establishment and promotion of business in rural communities. In the study, the researcher investigated several dimensions related to the cooperative, such as the cooperative supporting member's business status, business-related loan repayment, constraints on business growth, cooperatives' non-financial services for promotion of cooperative members' businesses, providing an incentive to promote cooperative members' businesses, satisfaction with behavior changes and other changes that members undergo through their business, yearly business establishment and disbursement of the loan amount to members' businesses, and role of the cooperative management committee and its staffs for members' business promotion in the community. The data and information have been collected through direct field research, observation, and questionnaire methods with 40 members of the cooperative, as well as through a qualitative study of FGD with the cooperative management committee, cooperative share members, and cooperative employees for financial and non-financial services. As a result, 469 out of 742 cooperative members, around 63%, have established businesses from 2014 to 2021 through the support of the Chhimeki Saving & Credit Cooperative. As well as, the cooperative has to consider other businesses for their members' involvement rather than existing businesses in the community. Keywords: Cooperative, Financial Services, Non-Financial services, Incentive, Profit



1.1. Background of the Studies 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem 3
1.3. Objective of the Study 4
1.4. Research Hypothesis 4
1.5. Importance of the Study 4
1.6. Limitations of the Study 5
2.1. Cooperative and business 6
2.2. Cooperative challenges for business in Nepal 7
2.3. Status of business in Nepal 7
2.4. Short glimpse of cooperatives in Denmark 7
2.5. Short glimpse of cooperatives in Japan 9
2.6. Short glimpse of cooperatives in South Korea 11
3.1. Research Design 13
3.2. Selection of the study area 13
3.3. Nature & Sources of Data 14
3.4. Methods of Data Analysis 15
4.1. Financial Services of Cooperative for Members Business 16
4.1.1. Status of Respondent’s Business 16
4.1.2. Status of Employment in Business of Respondents 17
4.1.3. Loan Taken for Business with Annual Interest on Loan by Respondents 17
4.1.4. Since how long has the Business been Run by Respondents 18
4.1.5. Status on Business Related Loan Repayment Problems of Respondents 19
4.1.6. The Status of the Respondent's Business's Growth Constraints 19
4.1.7. Cooperative Selected the Members for Financial Services to Establish Business 20
4.1.8. Status of Respondents Visited in Cooperative for Taking a Loan for the Business Establishment 21
4.1.9. Status of Monitoring/Visiting by Cooperative’s Staff or Management Committee before Providing Loan to Concern Respondents HHs for Business Support 22
4.1.10. Respondent’s Monthly Income (Before/After connected with their business) 22
4.2. Non-Financial Services of Cooperative for Establishment and Promotion of Member’s Business 23
4.2.1. Non-Financial Services of Cooperative for Member’s Business 23
4.2.2. Cooperative Support for Marketing of Member’s Business 24
4.2.3. Status of Monitoring Conducted by Cooperative for Members Business 25
4.2.4. Status of Business Plan of Respondents 26
4.3. Status of Incentive to Establish the Business 26
4.3.1. Incentive for Business Promotion of Cooperative Members 26
4.4. Local Business Makes a Profit and Generates Employment 28
4.4.1. Respondent’s Main Occupation before Linked in Business 28
4.4.2. Respondent Satisfaction and Behavior Change through Business 28
4.5. Others 30
4.5.1. Cooperative Supporting the Business Establishment of Members on a Yearly Basis 30
4.5.2. Yearly Basis, Loan Disbursement for Members’ Business 31
4.5.3. Role of Cooperative Management Committee and Cooperative staffs in Local Business Promotion of Cooperative Members 31
5.1. Summary & Conclusion 33
5.2. Recommendation 36
Bibliography 38
Appendix-1 41
Appendix–2 42
Appendix–3 49
