검색 상세

Comparison between molecular clock works of the small lateral ventral neuron and dorsal neuron 1 in Drosophila

Comparison between molecular clock works of the small lateral ventral neuron and dorsal neuron 1 in Drosophila


Cell autonomous circadian clock mechanism is based on transcriptional translational feedback loop (TTFL) composed of core clock genes. In Drosophila molecular clockwork, the transcription factor dCLOCK (dCLK)/CYCLE (CYC) activate the clock target genes expression, which is repressed by the physical interaction with dPERIOD (dPER). The activation and repression of dCLK controlled transcriptional activity by rhythmic interaction with activators and repressors is important to maintenance of circadian rhythms. Thus, the level and interaction of activator and repressor is important to make rhythms of about 24 hours. Circadian clock is synchronized to environmental rhythmic changes such as light, and temperature. In Drosophila, there are approximately 150 anatomically distinct pacemaker neurons located in the lateral and dorsal parts of the brain and control the rhythmic activity peaks. LNvs neurons receive light signal and entrain pacemaker neuron network. DN1 neurons integrate light and temperature signal. Previously, in the CLKΔ mutants that have no interaction with dPER, the amplitude of PER molecular rhythm was greatly reduced in ventral lateral neurons (LNvs) but not in DN1s in both entrainment conditions. From the CLKΔ mutants, I reasoned that dCLK controlled transcription/translation feedback loop are differently worked in LNvs and DN1s. To understand different property of clockwork in sLNvs and DN1s, mathematical modeling for dCLK controlled TTFL was employed and molecular rhythms of sLNvs and DN1s were analysed. The sLNvs and DN1s molecular clock was different in several aspects. The dPER amplitude was higher in sLNvs than DN1s although dCLK level was higher in DN1s than sLNvs. Production efficiency of dPER was greater in lateral neurons. The degradation rate of dPER was slow in DN1s. Considering the role of sLNvs as primary light entraining pacemaker and DN1s as integrator of sensory signals, I proposed that TTFLs of sLNvs and DN1s were evolved to be sensitive and robust oscillator, respectively.



1. Circadian timing system 1
2. The molecular basis of the circadian system 1
3. The pacemaker neurons in the Drosophila melanogaster 3
4. The entrainment of circadian clock in the Drosophila melanogaster 4
5. Aims 5
II. Materials and methods 6
1. Fly strains and transgenic flies 6
2. The entrainment of flies 6
3. Immunohistochemistry and confocal image analysis 7
4. The analysis of dPER degradation. 8
5. Immunoblotting. 8
국문 요약 45
