검색 상세

긴거리 상관된 시간 의존 무작위 퍼텐셜에서 긴거리 상호작용하는 보존들의 양자 임계 현상

Quantum Critical Phenomena of Long-Range Interacting Bosons in a Long-Range-Correlated Time-Dependent Random Potential


We study the superfluid-insulator transition of a system of long-range interacting bosons in a time-dependent random potential in two dimensions, using the momentum-shell renormalization group method to one-loop order. The Gaussian-correlated random potential is assumed to be short-range-correlated in spatial directions and long-range-correlated in the temporal dimension. We find a new stable fixed point with nonzero and physical values of the four parameters representing the short- and long-range interactions and the short- and long-range-correlated disorder, when the interaction is asymptotically logarithmic. We propose that our model may be relevant in studying the vortex liquid-vortex glass transition of interacting vortex lines in type-II superconductors with partially-disconnected columnar defects.



1. Introduction
2. Theory
2-1. Vortex-line to boson mapping
2-2. Model
2-3. Fourier-Transformed Effective Action
3. Numerical Analysis
4. Conclusions
